Thursday, September 9, 2010

One Click: Millions Meaning and Benefits

You know what I will discuss in this article ..? "One Click: Millions Meaning and Benefits", yes I believe you would know he meant .... but maybe there are some who do not know what it is, and I guess it never hurts to know too stunned to read it again from the back to remember it better .... right?

Well no more excuses not to start soon because of course my friend all can not wait to read it, like this .. 

In today's era of globalization, the user of information technology in all areas of daily life can not be avoided. In fact, the use of such information or technology that we now know as information technology (IT) will be a key condition to show the quality of a certain field and become the most important capital in winning the competition in all fields in this century. Whether in education, business, social economy, the world of work even to update the status in social interaction though.

Some things that have computer technology and informatics so that the future depends on him, including:

  1. Process speed (work) that the Extraordinary The larger or more difficult it will be a system the longer it takes to run it (make the processes in it). Was the development of a system, the means increasing the complexity of factors / processes in it. For that, the speed of working processes become very important for a growing sisrem. Today computers can perform billions of processes in one second.

  2.  Ability of the Very Large Data Storage and GuaranteedA system that is very large and increasingly complex data will have a huge archive. If you use conventional storage method that uses paper and cabinets will take place and other data sources is very big also. Computers, is increasingly well established in the paper and replace the media as a storage closet and storage of data by utilizing the technology (equipment) electronics store. This electronic data storage medium can store so much data and be able to save more than usual storage place one million times. As an illustration, a 1 Giga Byte hard drive, dpaat store data and written nearly a normal bookcase. Not to mention if you used a more advanced CD technology. 

  3.  Ease of Access and Data Processing Because the data stored in electronic form and shape is very small, then the accessing and managing data becomes very easy, and not too much trouble. Data can be easily grouped, searched, and subsequently utilized. In fact, the format of data between one system with another system which has the same electronic bebentuk, then the system one can exchange data with other systems very easily. Furthermore, by phone technology and "networking", the process of data exchange may take place between very distant places and happen very quickly.

Well, that's the benefits of information technology ... yes great. Was it just that ..? Of course not, there are many other advantages of this technology and it becomes the task for you to write it in the comments field of course ... yes hunted write so that all know how good you desire to update your status. 

And it's also become a plan or agenda for the future to write another article about the "One Click: ...." something different than others of course. God willing, hopefully yes ..
Lho koq not connect with the title ... "One Click: Millions Meaning and Benefits of" what to do with the technology and information? 

Obviously very highly correlated ... this way, with information technology everyone can interpret another. so if there's a million people means there's a million meanings. And if on benefits, clearly with any information can be obtained, right? 

Well my friend, the article ends meet this time I first got here (just made it .... ok enough) at least should be written in the comment box .. 

See you in the next article, thank you.

NB: If you liked this article, please share to another friend with the "One Click: Millions Meaning and Benefits" and the STAR of NOW.!!


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